Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why Greyhound Handicapping Systems Fail and How to Avoid It

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

We live in an ADHD world nowadays, even if we don't have it ourselves. Life is fast-paced and there are so many choices. Maybe, for some of us, there are TOO MANY choices. And, maybe, this is why you're not winning at the dog track.

It used to be that people took time to handicap their programs. Most of them got to the track early, sat in a quiet corner and went over them, picking out dogs that they wanted to bet later on. Not anymore. There ARE no quiet corners at most tracks, because there are slots, simulcasts and too much going on.

Most tracks have at least one tip sheet that you can buy. On the Net, there are tons of web sites that tout their winning software that picks dogs with no effort on your part. Or they'll sell you a series of coaching sessions if you have a couple thousand dollars lying around that you're not using.

You can buy books, tapes, downloads... This is kind of comforting to some people, because they figure if one thing doesn't work, they'll just try something else. And that, my friends, is where they're making a big mistake.

Going from one "sure-thing" to the next is a recipe for disaster at the greyhound track. It's only human nature to want to believe that there's some system out there that will pick dogs automatically and with no work on the part of the handicapper.

Unfortunately, there's no such thing and you can blow through a lot of money looking for it. Or you could save our money and be realistic and realize that no matter what greyhound handicapping system you use, it's not going to pick dogs for you. It's only a tool that helps YOU learn to handicap using the factors that really determine the outcome of a dog race.

Once you realize that, you're halfway to making money at the dog track. While other people are going from one "can't lose" system to the next, you'll be learning the basics and then beyond the basics of picking winners at the greyhound track.

Greyhound Dog Racing.