Thursday, May 3, 2012

Greyhound Handicapping - What is Running Style

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Greyhound handicapping is never just automatic. No matter how good your system is, there's always an element of judgment in it. Will this dog outbreak that dog? Will the 6 get the rail or will it get blocked by the 5 who also wants the rail?

These kinds of questions are what you have to answer to pick winners. The only way you can answer questions like this is if you know what running style is and how it affects a race. It's more than just where the dog runs.

Running style also includes whether the dog breaks, whether it veers sharply to the part of the track that it prefers. It's whether it goes wide on turns and then hugs the rail on the straightaways. Obviously, running style is how the dog runs the race - all the way around the track.

That's why it's not enough to note that a dog runs inside when you see that comment next to it in the program. The chartwriter may have written it when the dog was on the first turn, hugging the rail. There's nothing to say that it ran inside all through the race.

Make it easier on yourself. Check the dogs at several points on the track. I do it at the break, right as they pass the finish line for the first time, on all the turns and in the backstretch. I just quickly notice which dog is running on which part of the track.

If I notice anything out of the ordinary - such as a dog that zigs and zags all the way around the track - I write it down next to the dog's name in the program. Later, at home, I go over the races I played and look at what I wrote.

Some greyhound handicapping systems are very rigid and don't allow for this kind of flexibility. If yours doesn't, it may be time to upgrade to something that you can customize. The newer systems are better for this kind of thing.

Greyhound Dog Racing.