Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Pick Winning Dogs For Exotic Bets

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Do you pick winning dogs and go home with less money than you came to the track with? If so, maybe you're not playing them right. If your favorite bet is a straight win bet, you're missing the boat. Take those winners and bet them in exotic bets, and you'll be surprised at how much better you'll do.

For instance, if you like the 2 dog in the first race to win, find a dog in the second race who also looks like a winner to you. Put them together and you have a Daily Double bet. It's a $2 bet, but it can pay off well if either or both of your picks aren't the favorite in their race.

Or, if you like a dog to win, look for the dog that you think is going to be chasing it across the finish line. Let's say the 2 dog in the first race is a speedball and you know it'll break out of the box. Look at the 1 and the 3. Does it look like one of them will be able to run right along with the 2?

When you do this, look closely at each dog's running style to make sure that it's not going to interfere with the 2's running style. If you can visualize the break and what happens to the first turn and you can see the 1 or the 3 having a clear shot at running with the 2, maybe you want to bet a 1/2 or 2/3 quiniela or even a trifecta key.

What about Pick-3's? If you like a dog to win in each of the Pick-3 races, and you have the money, why not play a straight Pick-3 with those dogs? It's hard to make money just playing dogs to win, so if your bankroll allows it, find other ways to play them in exotic bets and see if it pays off for you.

Greyhound Dog Racing.