Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
You've heard the old saying about not reinventing the wheel, right? Wheels were invented a long time ago to make it easier to move things around. The basic design is round with a hole in the middle for a shaft and they work well.
A lot of things are like that. They have a basic design that works well so, except for a few little tweaks and improvements, why redesign them? Greyhound handicapping is one of those things.
Basic greyhound handicapping hasn't changed since the Egyptians bet on their "coursing hounds" thousands of years ago. They didn't have pari-mutuel betting, but they still bet on which dog would win. Nowadays, we've gotten a lot more sophisticated to the point where betting is computerized, but the dogs still run the same way.
That said, there are discoveries that greyhound handicappers have made that can help bettors pick winners more easily. This is why new handicapping systems come out from time to time. Someone realizes a concept that has been overlooked and uses it to fashion a better way to pick winners.
This is why trying to "Do It Yourself" isn't the best way to make money at the dog track. Sure, you can slog along, year after year, program after program, getting a little bit better to the point where you break even or at least don't lost quite as much as the average bettor. But why would you want to do that?
What's the point in breaking even or losing a little, even if you DO call it entertainment and say that it's worth it? You know and I know that you're lying to your friends and to yourself. Winning is what it's all about at the dog track and in life.
In all areas of our lives, sometimes it makes more sense to admit that we're not an expert. There comes a time when intelligent people realize that it's smarter to use someone else's road map than to stay lost. That's why the smarter bettors use a system that gives them a framework to base their handicapping on.
Greyhound Dog Racing.