Monday, April 23, 2012

Greyhound Handicapping - How to Beat the Competition

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Pari-mutuel wagering, as you probably know, means that you're betting against the crowd. You win when your judgment is better than theirs. But who are you really betting against? Have you ever thought about that?

Most of the people who go to the dog track are just ordinary people like you and me. They may drop in after work or take time out from doing housework to go to the track. They may be retired and play the dogs for something to do or because they meet their friends there.

I would guess that most of the people who wager on dogs are just doing it for social reasons, not as a living. Most of them bet numbers, hunches or just because they like the looks of a dog. Most of them don't handicap the program the way professional handicappers do. Almost none of them uses a system, and there's the biggest difference between the pro and the amateur.

Professional dog players always have a system - a way of handicapping dogs that is logical and successful. If it wasn't successful, they wouldn't use it for long. Some of them come up with their own system over many years of handicapping.

Others buy systems and then refine them over the years until they work even better. Tweaking systems is the best way to make consistent money at the dog track. Of course, before you can tweak a system to make it better, you have to find a good one in the first place.

Greyhound Dog Racing.