Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
If you're a regular track goer, you may have favorite days when you go to the track. You may even have "lucky" days when it seems to you that you win more. One of my friends swears that he always does better on Thursday.
Well, who am I to say that he doesn't? Of course, maybe he just believes that he does better on Thursdays and that's why he does. The power of positive thinking is a powerful thing for some people. It can make you sharper and more confident, which could affect the way you handicap and bet.
This leads to which day is the one day you SHOULDN'T go to the track. It's different for everyone, so bear with me while I lay the groundwork. We'll start with how you can tell if it's a good day for you to go to the track.
If you wake up refreshed, ready to go get your program, handicap the races and find some winners, it's probably a good day. If you go over the program and see several good bets, by all means, go win at the dog track. If you have plenty of money to bet with and consider the track a form of entertainment and can afford to lose without hurting yourself or anyone else, then it's a good day to go to the track.
Now, here's how to tell if it's a BAD day to go to the track. Just turn all those things around. If you're not well-rested, don't feel very peppy and get tired just thinking about going out to get a program, don't go. Odds are, you won't have a good day at the track.
If you feel okay, but can't find anything you really like on the program, don't talk yourself into going just for the sake of going. If you're low on funds and really shouldn't spend money on bets you might lose, definitely don't go to the track.
Besides being desperate, which tends to affect your judgment for the worse, losing money you can't afford to lose makes you feel stupid. When this happens, you end up having more than just one bad day, as you deal with the fallout from spending money you don't have to spend.
Going to the greyhound track can be a great experience and a source of extra income. Just remember to pick the right day to go.
Greyhound Dog Racing.