Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Some of us are specialists. Some people can look at a program, find a dog that has early speed and know right away if that dog has a shot in this race. How do they do it? Well, it's probably because their mind automatically sorts and sifts all the data it needs to go through to determine a contender based on early speed.
Other people, and I'm one of them, can't do that. I can see early speed and I do use it to handicap, but it's not the first thing I look at and I can't pick a dog based only on whether it has early speed. I'm more of a generalist. I look at a lot of factors when I handicap.
For other lucky people though, some factors just "jump out" at them and they can decide things in a second that take you and me a lot longer to figure out. If you're lucky enough to be one of these people, it's a strength that you should use in your handicapping.
Just because most people recommend that you don't depend on just one factor when you go over a program, don't let that stop you from using a factor that works for you, if you can. If you're all over early speed, but can't handicap position to save your life, then stick with the speed and forget about the position.
In greyhound handicapping, as in everything else, the bottom line is that you have to do what works for you. True, for most of us, a solid system is a must, but even when you use one, you can still use your own skills to make it better. No system can do it all for you.
And the more time and effort you put into any system, the more likely it is that you'll pick more winners than losers. And, after all, that's what greyhound handicapping - with or without a system - is all about.
Greyhound Dog Racing.