Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Failure to plan is planning for failure, or so the old saying goes. It's certainly true when it comes to picking winning dogs. While it's possible to get lucky a few times by picking likely-looking dogs, it's not something you can depend on. Luck is a very good thing to be blessed with, but it takes more than luck for most of us to make money at the track.
So, what about tip sheets? Aren't they a system? Well, yes and no. If the tip sheet writer is a good handicapper, they're a system. But there are very few of them that are worth the paper they're printed on. I can think of only one or two, and they're both on the internet, that are consistently better than pure luck at picking dogs.
So, what are we left with? A good greyhound handicapping system that is based on solid research. One that evaluates the factors that determine who is a contender and who isn't worth betting on. That's the most important part of making money at the greyhound track - figuring out what's a good risk and what isn't.
Playing the dogs is all about being able to find dogs to bet that have a good rate of return for risk. There's no such thing as a "sure thing", but there are certainly bets that have a much greater chance of turning into a winning ticket rather than scrap paper.
A good greyhound handicapping method can help you narrow down your choices until you get the best choice. It can also help you decide whether a race is playable or one you should pass on. This, alone, can save you a lot of money over the years. How many times have you played a race and then realized that you shouldn't have?
If you're losing money at the track, maybe it's time to consider getting more serious about the whole process of picking winning dogs. Maybe it's time to plan so that you'll stop failing. Whether you're playing win bets, quinielas or dime superfecta bets, a system can help you maximize your winnings and minimize your risk.
Greyhound Dog Racing.