Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Greyhound Handicapping - How to Bet on All Around Dogs

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Stakes races with the top dogs at the track are great to watch. It's kind of like the Olympics of the greyhound racing world. But it's hard to make money on these races, unless there's a big upset and there usually isn't.

The everyday races with the everyday dogs are where the money is. True, the better dogs still come in more often and sometimes they're at shorter odds. If you go over your program, looking for the right kind of dog though, you can make money on dogs that other people pass right over.

These dogs - I call them "all around dogs" - aren't flashy. They don't break any track records or stay in the top grade. What they do though is win often enough to make money for the people who are smart enough to bet on them.

These are the dogs that are good enough to beat most of the dogs in Grade C, but can only beat a few of the dogs in Grade B. So, they win in Grade C, move into Grade B and lose and people think they're not a good bet.

Then they show up in Grade C and win in a couple of races and the smart people who have been following them cash tickets. The punters who lost faith in them when they lost in the higher grade don't. If they kept track of dogs like this, they'd know that there's a time to bet them and a time to lay off.

Look in the middle grades for this kind of dog. Find some and they'll pay you as long as they run - and often they run for a long time. They're average dogs who are good enough to avoid trouble and stay in the game, but not good enough to be superstars.

Greyhound Dog Racing.