Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Are you a good handicapper? Can you pick winners on almost every program? Do you make money at the greyhound track? If you can't answer "yes" to each of these questions, maybe it's because you're like 90% of the people who go to the track.
90% of bettors walk out of the track with less money than they walked in with. Of course, that means that 10% of them walk out with MORE money than they walked in with. So, what's the difference between the 90% and the 10%?
Well, the biggest difference, in my opinion, is that the winners are more flexible than the losers. They're not locked into habits that make them lose. They keep learning more and more about handicapping every time they go to the track, and they don't lock themselves into a losing box.
If you don't learn all that you can about picking dogs, you'll always be part of that 90% who keep doing the same things over and over - and losing. If you don't move with the times, you'll get left behind when the 10% are cashing tickets.
No matter how much you know - or think you know - about greyhound handicapping, there's always something more you can learn. I learn something new almost every time I go to the track, and I've been going for over 30 years! I learn from talking to other people, watching the dogs and keeping track of what happens in the races.
I even learn things from myself, when I go over the notes I make during the program! You can do this too, if you're willing to be open to new information and new sources of handicapping wisdom. If you want to change your winning percentage, you have to change the way you pick dogs.
Greyhound Dog Racing.