Monday, April 30, 2012

Greyhound Handicapping - The Right Moves Can Make You Money

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Where you sit at the dog track can make the difference between winning and losing. Why? Well, if you sit really close to the totes, you'll be able to just get right up and bet in seconds. With hardly any walking or exertion on your part, you'll be able to spend most of the program sitting down.

But is this really a good thing? Sure, you won't get shut out, but you won't be sending as much oxygen to your brain either. Lack of oxygen can make you sleepy and dopey and I'm not talking about dwarves here. To pick winners, you have to be sharp and awake. Moving around can help with that.

Instead of making yourself as comfortable as possible, by sitting as close to everything as you can at the track, make it harder on yourself. Walk around. Go outside to watch the live racing and don't just stay in one place to watch the simulcasts. Get a drink of water from time to time, rather than drinking coffee. Coffee dehydrates you, which affects your thinking.

Your brain is the first thing to feel the effects of too little water in your body and your thinking will get sluggish when that happens. Walking to the water cooler will take care of your thirst and also give you a mental boost so that you can handicap with a clearer mind.

Another reason to move around at the track is for exercise. If you go to the track often and just sit in one place, you'll gain weight, and may even develop high blood pressure, diabetes and the other disorders that come with overweight and inactivity. None of this is conducive to good handicapping or to good quality of life. If you want to enjoy life, including greyhound racing, you need to be in good enough shape.

Try moving around more at the track and see if it doesn't help you handicap better and feel better too, even when you're not at the races. Get your body and your blood moving and you may find that your health - and your bank account - gets a boost.

Greyhound Dog Racing.