Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Losing is no fun. The only thing that takes away the sting of losing, is winning. So, obviously, although you have to get used to losing some of your wagers at the dog track, the idea is to have a bigger ratio of wins to losses. There are several ways to do that.
Most people, when they lose, bet more. Their theory is that the more they put down, the more chances they have to win. Maybe. But if they're losing consistently, what makes them think the next thing they play will be any more likely to pick a winner?
As crazy as it sounds, when you're losing, betting less can actually increase your chances of making more money. One way to do that is with smaller tickets. If you bet $10 to win, cut that down to $4 or even $2 to win.
Better yet, change up from win and place to dime superfectas. A dime superfecta only costs ten cents. Even if you play more than one combination, think of what you'll save on a program with 12 or 15 races.
You can bet other exotics too, like $2 quinielas that give you two chances of hitting the quiniela, because your dogs can come in either way. You can play trifecta keys for only $2 with one dog to win over two other dogs, although it's much harder to pick a trifecta this way.
I've just discovered dime superfectas, and for my money, they're the way to go for betting on a budget. You get the fun of playing exotics, with a chance for a good payoff, but it doesn't break the bank.
I've been really enjoying myself playing combinations all night for chump change and hitting enough to make it worthwhile. The best part is when I hit something that pays like a trifecta pays. True, that's not as often as I hit with win and place, but it sure pays better than win bets do.
Greyhound Dog Racing.