Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
No greyhound handicapping system is foolproof. Even the best methods only work part of the time. The trick is to find something that works often enough so that you can combine it with smart money management and make a profit.
First of all, if you find a system that says it picks winners automatically, pass it by. There's no such thing. Even the best systems - and I've seen some good ones - take some handicapping skill. Secondly, even the best systems take good money management from the operator. Of course, the operator is you.
Operator failure, not system failure, is the number one reason buyers are disappointed when they buy a method and it doesn't work right out of the box. Even the best methods take time to learn and patience. That's why I always tell my buyers to try handicapping on paper first with old programs.
Before you risk real money on real bets, you should always do several trial runs on races where you can check the results. Then you can look at what came in, why it came in, and why you didn't pick it. This checking and re-checking is a big part of being a successful handicapper.
So, don't expect that your new handicapping tool will be a howling success the first time you use it, but do expect that you'll get better at picking dogs with it as time goes on. This is the way most things work. You start out slowly, learning as you go, and build up to more and more successes. As you get more confident and better at handicapping, the system will give you a higher rate of return.
Greyhound Dog Racing.