Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Greyhound handicapping involves a lot of detail work if you want to get it right. I've probably pored over a million programs in my long career and I hope to go over a million more before I go to that big dog track in the sky.
At first, I looked at everything and gave everything equal weight. But as time went on, I learned that some factors are much more important than others. I also learned that it's not just the information but how you interpret that information that makes you a winner or loser at the dog track.
For instance, everyone can see the last six races the dog run. The information is right there in the program. But different handicappers interpret that information in different ways.
I might think that the fact that the dog faded to second in its last race means that it has a good chance of coming in today. My friend might think that it means that the dog is a quitter and not worth betting on. Someone else might think that the dog just had an "off" race last time out. One of us might be right or we all might be wrong.
This illustrates the importance of knowing the significance of every factor that you can see about a dog's performance. If you don't know WHY a dog lost its last race, you'll have a harder time figuring out if it's going to win this race.
One of the big indicators of whether a dog is going to win or lose is what I call the Rise and Fall factor. Dogs move up and down and most bettors know to play them more when they're moving down into easier races, than when they're moving up into harder races.
But few bettors know that there's a point for most dogs when they peak out at the top of their performance for awhile. I call this "being on a roll" because it's similar to when someone just keeps rolling the dice and winning in casino gambling.
The dog seems to almost surpass itself and its record and - for awhile - can't seem to lose. Now this doesn't happen with all dogs, only a percentage. But it's one more thing to look for when you're looking for a good bet.
Greyhound Dog Racing.