Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Winning at the dog track is harder if you're an impatient person. If you have to have everything now, can't wait in line without getting irritated and think stop signs are just a suggestion, you're not going to do very well at the track.
But if you're mature and can wait for things that are really worth waiting for - like big payoffs - you can probably make money at the track. With the right system and a period of learning how to use it to your best advantage at your track, you should be able to do quite well.
Taking the time to really get to know a system is the most important step toward making money with it. While you may already know the basics of handicapping, there's still a learning curve that you have to negotiate when you learn new ways of doing things.
Many people think that handicapping systems are "instant". You just download them, take them to the track and they pick dogs for you - automagically! I wish it was like that, but it isn't. They're tools. Once you learn how to use them, they can be very effective at helping you pick winners and even quinielas and trifectas.
But like anything else worth learning, step by step is the best way to proceed with the process of learning which dogs are contenders and which aren't. While it's hard to estimate how long it will take you to really hit your stride with a system, I recommend that you don't start out with one that's too complicated.
If you need a slide rule, computer software, more than a few sheets of paper... We're talking about something that's too complicated for your first foray into betting with systems. Stick with the ones that use tried and true methods to pick winners, quinielas and trifectas and leave the algorithms to the pros who handicap for a living.
Gradually build your handicapping skills until you no longer have to refer to the system instructions and then, if you like, add another system and do the same thing with it. Step by step, you'll get better and better at making money at the dog track.
Greyhound Dog Racing.