Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
To win at the dog track, you have to have a strategy. Just grabbing a program and giving it a quick look and picking dogs that "look good" is NOT a roadmap to success. So, if your greyhound handicapping system isn't working as well as you'd like it to, the beginning of a new year is a good time to fix that problem.
First of all, do you even HAVE a system? That's the first step toward picking winners consistently. Just using hunches or trusting to luck is the loser's method and it will pretty quickly empty your wallet and get very depressing. Losing is not why we go to the dog track, now is it?
So, if you've gotten a little lax about how you handicap, do something about it. Get back to where you used to be when you were picking more winners than losers. If you never did, well now is the time to find a method that DOES help you pick winners. There are plenty of them around. Just ask your friends to recommend one or do some research on the Net.
How's your money management? Have you let it slide to the point where you don't really know how much you've lost or won? Sloppy financial habits can sabotage even the best handicapper. Start the year right by setting up an accounting system so that you'll know - to the penny - what percentage of your bets are earning money for you and what percentage are losing money.
If you don't know this, you can't possibly know whether your handicapping methods are working or not. And this brings us to another New Year's resolution you might want to make. If it's not working, don't keep doing it. That applies to everything that you do at the greyhound track.
From who you sit with to how you pick dogs, examine every little thing that you do from the time you get to the track to the time you leave. Is your friend talking your ear off to the point where you can't pay attention to the races? Sit somewhere else or ask him to stop talking so you can watch the race.
Do you win on quiniela bets, but then lose because you play trifectas also? Lose the trifectas. I know it's human nature to want to hit a big tri, but if you can't hit it, why waste your time and money on it? Play what you're good at. A couple of good quinielas can pay just as much as a trifecta most of the time.
Make this year a good year at the dog track by getting rid of your old bad habits and developing good new habits. This is the perfect time to make a new start and also make more money at the track.
Greyhound Dog Racing.