Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
After awhile, most handicappers realize that hit or miss betting isn't working at the dog track. They start getting serious about going over their programs and develop habits that help them win or lose. Some of them stumble upon a method that picks spot plays. Some of them just keep floundering around, losing money and trying one thing after another.
But a small proportion of bettors use logic and commonsense to come up with solid systems that pick winners and in the money dogs and use it for the rest of their lives to supplement their incomes. Some even use it to make a living, although that takes extreme dedication to handicapping.
If you've ever thought that you might be able to come up with a system if you had enough time and money, stop waiting and get working on it. You don't need money and you can find time if you don't let TV, surfing the Net and wasting time get in the way.
The first thing to do is to sit down with a pile of programs for past performances and really look at them. Go over every piece of information that they provide and then look at the outcome of the race and try to figure out how each piece of information affected the outcome.
Look at post position, class of the dogs, each dogs' last six lines and anything else you can think of that could affect the outcome of a race. Now, see if you can see a pattern to the way this information all works together to predict the 3 dogs who crossed the finish line first.
It may take a while, but if you really take time to dig deeply enough into a pile of programs, you can often see what the casual bettor never sees. The results of greyhound races aren't random, as many people think. There are a few factors that determine the winner in almost every race and this is why it's possible to devise greyhound handicapping systems that work.
The biggest predictors of performance, in my opinion, are class and form. If you can train yourself to figure out the true class of each dog in the race, compared to the grade of the race and the class of the other dogs, you've taken the first step toward writing your own system for dogs.
And if you can then learn to tell whether each dog is in form or out of form, you'll be way ahead of 90% of the bettors at any greyhound track in the country.
Greyhound Dog Racing.