Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to Pick More Winners at the Greyhound Track

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Greyhound racing is a lot easier to follow not that all the tracks have web sites. You can download programs, watch races, see the odds in real time and keep track of all the statistics. A lot of people just download a program, handicap it and then check the results the next day.

If they live in a state where internet betting is legal, such as Florida or Oregon, they don't even have to go to the track to place their bets. In other states, many people go to OTB parlors, place their bets and then catch the results on the track's web site later on.

These days, a bettor doesn't even have to go to a track or watch races to win at the greyhound track. Of course, you can lose just as easily without going to the track. This is the mistake that so many people make. They bet without even watching the races they bet on.

It's so much easier just to download the results pages or even look at it online without downloading it, than it is to watch the live races or replays. If you're "too lazy" to watch the races, either at the track or with online replays, you're letting laziness steal your money.

Watching races is the only way you'll know what happened. What good is betting on a dog, losing and not knowing why the dog lost? Was it bumped? Did it get off to a bad start? Or is it just in a slump? If you don't know what's going on with the dogs you bet on, how will you know whether to bet them when they're in future races?

You won't. That's the bottom line. If you don't care enough to watch the replays and keep track of the results with comments on your programs, you'll never be a really good handicapper. Believe me, there are a lot of other people out there - your competition - who DO keep track and watch replays.

Some people watch them more than once, analyze them and memorize a list of dogs to bet on next time they run. I keep a list of what I call "Watch Dogs" that ran good races or gave me reason to think that they'll come in next time they run.

I can't count the number of times one of these dogs has come in at good odds and paid me for my efforts. So, if you want to increase your odds of winning, don't be lazy. Watch the replays and file the results for future reference.

Greyhound Dog Racing.