Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Are you a gambler? Do you like to take a chance on making money? Are you a risk taker who gets a thrill out of putting your money where your mouth is? If so, I doubt very much that you're doing very well at the dog track.
Gambling isn't handicapping. Gambling is taking a chance, sometimes just for the sake of taking a chance. It can be thrilling, but it can also be expensive. I know professional gamblers who have won and lost several fortunes and they're not happy people.
It might sound glamorous to describe yourself as a professional gambler to other people, but there's nothing impressive about depending on luck to win money. That's what gambling is really.
Handicapping, on the other hand, is using a tried and true method to predict which dogs will be first over the line, based on factors that have predicted that many times in the past.
To my mind, this is the only sensible and rewarding way to approach making money at the track. A professional handicapper is a person who uses intelligence and logic to pick winners. Professional gamblers use luck and hunches and very unscientific ways to pick dogs. And the ones I know don't pick enough winners to pay their bar tabs, never mind their bills.
If you want to make money at greyhound handicapping, find a system that works and forget about luck and hunches and betting on dogs that "look good". Use proven factors that reliably predict which dog has the edge over the others.
Take time and put in effort, instead of relying on luck. As the old saying goes, "Luck favors the prepared man." Greyhound handicappers prepare for the races by weighing each dog against the other dogs. Gamblers waltz in and depend on luck to make their picks for them.
If you want to have a thrill and don't mind paying for it, be a gambler. But if you want to make money and consider cashing big tickets thrilling enough, take the time and put in the effort to be a handicapper.
Greyhound Dog Racing.