Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Pick Winning Dogs Over and Over Again

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

One of the biggest factors in greyhound handicapping is consistency. Dogs who are consistent run in the top grades and have much more successful careers than dogs who are inconsistent. So do handicappers, in a manner of speaking. If you can pick winners once in awhile, you may hit some big pay offs, but you're not going to be able to make a steady profit at the dog track. Only the people who can pick winners and bet them correctly, over and over again, are in the ranks of the top earning greyhound handicappers.

So, would you like to reach the top rank? If you would, then you're going to have to learn how to turn your once in awhile ability into something you can depend on. How do you do that? Well, surprisingly, you may have to stop being so focused and widen your handicapping lens.

The first step, if you're inconsistent at picking winners, is to go over your past picks. Mark the ones that came in and then use a different mark for those that didn't come in. Now, go over both lists - winners and losers - and see if you can remember or figure out why you picked each dog.

Was it early speed? Good kennel? Post position? Running style? Whatever made you pick that dog to win, write it down next to the dog's name. When you've done that for each dog, look at what you've written. It will tell you what factor you use the most to pick dogs.

If it's early speed, maybe you need to focus on the whole race and not just the break to first turn part of it. If it's kennel ranking, please don't forget that this is a statistic that changes day to day, week to week and month to month. Whatever you use as a major factor, you're limiting yourself by using it.

If you want to pick dogs consistently, you need to widen your focus when you handicap. Be wary of letting one or two factors outweigh the other factors. Handicappers who get too focused often miss the forest for the trees. Weigh all the factors that matter and you'll make many more trips to the window to cash tickets.

Greyhound Dog Racing.