Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Let's face it. Exotic bets pay much more than straight bets at the dog track. But the problem with betting trifectas, superfectas and pick 3's or pick 6's is that they cost so darned much to play. It's very hard to hit one with a straight bet, so we box, wheel and key and end up spending way too much money.
There's a better way that costs less and still gives you a chance to hit something that pays for a few program's worth of bets. For trifectas, try to narrow down your picks so that you end up with one dog that you really think will win, and then pick three more dogs that you think might be in the trifecta.
Now, let's say you pick the 1 to win, with the 2,3 and 4 as your second, third and fourth choices. Here's a good $12 bet for that combo. Bet the 1 over the 234. Then, bet the 234 over the 1 over the 234. You win if the trifecta comes in with the 1 first with two of the other dogs second or third. You also win if the 1 places with one of the other dogs first and third.
In other words, as long as the dog you pick to win comes in first or second with two of the other dogs in the trifecta, you win half the trifecta. This is a good risk to reward ratio, because you've covered a lot of dogs without breaking the bank.
For superfectas, you have to add a dog, of course, but it's basically the same type of bet. It costs more, but the chance of reward is greater too, because supers almost always pay more than trifectas. So, if you're betting too much and not getting enough back, try scaling back your bets like this.
Greyhound Dog Racing.