Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Have you thought that maybe you could do better at the track with a system? Or maybe you've bought one or several and you're still not picking dogs. Some reasons for this might be that the systems you bought are too complicated, too hard to use or just plain scams that someone threw together to make a few bucks.
Some systems are so poorly written, that it's impossible to tell if they work, because you can't understand how to use them. Then there are the systems that only work in certain races and after you buy them, you find out that this type of race only comes along once in a blue moon and the winner doesn't pay squat anyway.
Of course, you could pay even more and buy handicapping software instead. But then you'd have to either use it at home if you could get a program in time, or bring your laptop to the track. Then you'd have to sit there in front of your computer, typing in data and if you wanted to bet, you'd have to lug your laptop to the window with you or risk someone stealing it.
So, what's the answer? If what you're doing isn't working and systems don't work, what's left? Well, maybe some logic, some basic handicapping knowledge and a method of narrowing the odds in your favor by using insider knowledge to find contenders in each race.
True, there are no automatic systems that pick dogs with no effort on your part. But there are basic principles of handicapping and the knowledge that dog owners and trainers use to decide whether to bet on certain dogs. You can bet that the people who work with the dogs, day in and day out, have figured out ways to tell when a dog is ready to win.
They don't just make money when their dogs run in the money, they cash in every day by betting with knowledge that you and the rest of the bettors don't have. If you had that knowledge, you could cash in too, but it's hard to get unless you're an insider.
It took me thirty years, but I've learned what insiders know. I have five ways of spotting dogs that are ready to win and I use them every time I go to the track to pick dogs - some of them real longshots - that run in the money more times than not.
You can try to find out where the dog owners and trainers hang out at the track and try to listen to what they're talking about. You can work at kennels like I did if you don't mind hard work. You can even follow a dog trainer up to the window and see if you can overhear what he's betting on. Who knows, you might hear something that helps you pick a dog or two.
If none of that works, you can take advantage of someone who's already done all that and written down the information.
Greyhound Dog Racing.