Thursday, May 10, 2012

Greyhound Handicapping Systems - What Works and What Doesnt

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

This is purely my own opinion, but I want to say right off the bat that I don't believe that there's such a thing as a completely mechanical system for picking winning dogs.

True, there are systems that I use myself that come awfully close. But there's nothing that I can think of that doesn't take at least a little bit of judgment on the handicapper's part. I use a system that I invented to pick winners in Maiden races that's almost automatic, but I still weigh whether to include a dog or not, so it's not technically mechanical.

I think it's rather naive to think that there's a way to just use a mathematical formula or some method of assigning points to dogs to pick the winner of a race, every time, without fail. I don't think it can be done and I'd like to hear from anyone who says he can do it.

I do think that it makes sense to use a system to pick dogs, as long as you realize that it takes judgment and practice to make the system work for you. I always tell my buyers to try it on paper first, get used to it and see how it works at your track.

Often, a little tweaking is necessary to fine-tune a good system so that it works at your particular track. Tracks all have their little quirks such as different lengths, differences in track surfaces and other things that affect how the dogs run at that track.

Often, some minor track bias will show up when you're trying out the system on paper. It's much better to catch it now, rather than when you're betting your hard-earned money on it at the window. That way, you can tailor the system so that the bias is taken into consideration and doesn't affect the outcome of your bets.

Like anything else, systems take time to master, but they're well worth it. Greyhound handicapping can take a lifetime to learn. It took me years to get to the point where I was losing more than I was winning. It was a hard struggle that probably would have been a lot easier if I'd had a system to follow.

In my case, I figured out my own systems and you can do that too if you have the time, the intelligence, the knack for handicapping and the patience. It takes a special kind of person to uncover the secrets that make systems work. If you're that kind of person, you're very lucky. If you're not, I suggest you stop wasting money and get a greyhound handicapping system that works for you.

Greyhound Dog Racing.