Saturday, May 5, 2012

Greyhound Handicapping - Why Would Anyone Sell a System That Makes Them Money

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

One of the questions I get asked over and over again is this: If your systems make money, why would you want to sell them? Good question, and in this article, I give you my answer. Money is a wonderful thing, but it's not everything.

I love to pick winning dogs. There's nothing I like to do more than get a fresh program, a pen and a cup of coffee, first thing in the morning. For a few minutes, life is perfect, as I try to figure out whether the speed dogs will have an advantage today at this track, or whether the track bias will give the closers an edge. I use my systems and I usually do pretty well.

It's not automatic. I have to use the basics of handicapping and I'm not always right. Sometimes, I miss such obvious things that I could whack myself with the program. Other times, most times, I see things that help me find at least a few spot plays that pay well or a young pup that runs better than it looks like it will.

I don't make millions a year. I don't even make thousands a year from handicapping, although there were a few years when it paid for a car and for a down payment on a new house. My kids got some extra music lessons too and we took some vacations that my day job wouldn't have covered. Over the years, as I got better at picking winners, I got less rabid about making money and more interested in the puzzle part of handicapping.

I've always been really curious and I've always loved solving puzzles and that's what handicapping is to me. I'd do it even if there was no payoff. Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in going over the program that I miss a race I was going to play and a big payoff. It's kind of a running joke between me and the group that I hang out with when I go to the track.

If I had given up my family time, my job and the rest of my life, I probably could have made a living from betting the dogs. But that's not something I was willing to do. I'd rather go now and then, especially as I've gotten older, than sacrifice my family relationships and my other interests to chasing money at the track.

That's one of the reasons I started selling greyhound handicapping systems. I love coming up with them, trying them out and watching them pick winners. I use them, but not every day and not at every track, so why not let other people benefit from them and make a part time living at it? Why keep knowledge to myself when other people can use it, build on it and do well with it too?

I don't know why other people sell their knowledge, but I know why I sell mine. I don't lose a penny from sharing it, because it's still mine to use too. Maybe I'm a chump, but I'm content to write articles for a living, rather than use hype to do what I do. So, I guess the rest of the answer to the question posed in the title is that it's a little bit of an ego boost for me to know that so many people are using my handicapping systems to win at the dog track.

Greyhound Dog Racing.