Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Do You Want to Give a Home to a Greyhound

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

In this article I will be addressing some of the common problems encountered when re-homing one of these beautiful hounds, and giving you some tips on how to decide whether a greyhound is for you.

Over the last few years, pubic attention has been drawn to the plight of Greyhounds. This breed must be amongst the most cruelly treated dogs that we are aware of. These dogs are one of the most ancient breeds recorded. The appearance of the Greyhound has changed very little over the centuries. With their athletic good looks and smooth coats they are very distinctive Their primary purpose was coursing small game, organized racing of these dogs only became popular in the 1920's.

There are always plenty of Greyhounds in re-homing centres, through absolutely no fault of their own. It is more common to find adults, but puppies are often available too. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but most people have a preference when they are thinking of getting a dog.

Adult Greyhounds do need exercise. In order to keep their muscles toned and their minds active, a good daily walk is required. They also appreciate a good run. They are the sprinters of the dog world, they need to stretch out and do what they were born for. So one thing that you should ask yourself is, can you provide this? Is there somewhere you can take your hound that is safe to let it off lead so it can have a good work out? Do not let your dog off the lead until you are absolutely sure that it is safe, and you have assessed her temperament.

Greyhound puppies are just as energetic as any other puppy. Care must be taken to protect their legs. These dogs grow at an incredible rate, and their legs are vulnerable at this stage. Get your puppy used to eating from a raised bowl, Greyhounds have long necks, and it is easier for them to digest their food this way. It is worth remembering that many dogs chase cats and other animals, but that greyhounds, due to their incredible speed, stand a better chance of catching them.

Your garden should be well fenced, some greyhounds are incredible escape artists. Although they are the fastest dogs in the world, they are not hyper-active dogs. They are calm and gentle creatures who love their home comforts.

Greyhounds have been bred to chase and kill small furry things, so make sure that your chosen location if free from temptations! If you are in doubt, always fit your dog with a good

Re-call can be a problem with a lot of the sight hound breeds, and the greyhound is no exception. It is not, however, insurmountable. In fact, given the right treatment, greyhounds are as trainable as the next breed, it is all about working with their instincts in mind. If you have an understanding of the breed and are sympathetic to their needs, you are halfway there. It is all about common sense.

So what are the particular needs of a greyhound? The same as any other dog that comes from a rescue situation, but with a bit of added interest! Your dog may be an ex-racer, an ex-worker, or a pet that has found it's way into a re-homing situation for a multitude of reasons. Whatever you hear or read about greyhounds, your dog has had its own unique experience. Racers/workers are often dumped when their usefulness is over. Many of these dogs have not had a lot of affection in their lives, and it may take some time for them to adapt.

They may be used to living outside, so a household may present a new challenge for them. Not all working and racing dogs are mistreated, but the ones that end up for re-homing will generally have some sort of neglect in their lives.

Despite their size, they fit perfectly well into the average dwelling. Due to their thin skin, a soft is recommended, although they may well prefer your sofa!

Welcoming a greyhound into your life can be a very rewarding experience. One thing you must be prepared for is the attention that they attract. These dogs turn heads. If you have ever stopped to watch someone walking along with one of these sleek, graceful animals, you will know exactly what I mean.

If you are interested in re-homing a greyhound, contact your local greyhound/lurcher rescue. These people are experts and will be able to give you a lot of support. In the right hands, these dogs are ideal pets. If you give them what they need, you will end up with a delightful, dignified companion.

Greyhound Dog Racing.