Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
When you look at the dogs in the program at the dog track, you're looking for clues that will tell you whether they're likely to run in the money in that race. Everyone does that. Sometimes you find a dog that seems like an obvious bet and sometimes you don't.
What do you look for when you go over the dogs in each race? Is it their time? Their post position? The grade of races that they've been running in lately?
Or do you look for the more subtle things like who their parents were or where their kennel is in the standings? I know one guy who only bets dogs from a certain kennel when they're in the 8 box, because he says that kennel's trainer is good at getting his dogs to come in from the outside. Maybe.
At least he has a reason for betting those dogs. Some people don't have any reason at all for picking what they pick. They just randomly decide that a dog "looks good" but they can't tell you why. That's insanity.
Unless you're psychic, in which case you don't need me to help you pick dogs, there's no way you can tell by looking at a dog, either in the program or in the post parade, whether or not it will come in. Impossible.
There are signs, certainly, that are more obvious than others that say that a greyhound is ready to win. I've learned to spot them and so have a small percentage of the crowd at the track. These are the things that give me a "reason" to bet on certain dogs.
So, in one race, my #1 reason for betting a dog might be that he's been running with much better dogs in a higher grade and has come in within 6 lengths of them. Or it might be that I happen to know by checking my sources that this dog loves the 1 box, especially when, like in the present race, he has no early speed next to him.
You should never bet a dog unless you have a really good reason - a strong indicator - that the dog is a contender in the race he's running. If you can't explain the reason to someone else, then it's probably not reason enough to bet that dog.
Greyhound Dog Racing.