Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
Grade is everything when it comes to greyhound handicapping. It was designed to separate the dogs into groups with similar abilities. Like baseball, basketball and other sports, the games - or races - aren't fair if one player -or greyhound - has a big advantage over the other ones.
But how much attention does the average bettor pay to the grade of a race? Except for noticing it at the top of the program, many bettors don't even think about what each grade means. More importantly, they don't seem to realize that each grade needs to be handicapped in a different way.
So, most of the time, bettors handicap a Grade A race the same way they handicap a Grade M race. They start out by looking for the dog that "looks better" than the other dogs. This is exactly the wrong way to handicap one of those grades and will almost guarantee that you'll lose your bet.
However, although it's the wrong way to handicap an A race, it can work in M, if you know the two factors that predict how well a puppy will do in M. They're right there on the program, but they might as well be written in Greek, because very few bettors realize their significance.
This is an example - one of many - of the importance of not getting stuck with old fashioned handicapping systems that take a one-size-fits-all approach to picking winners at the dog track.
For many years, so-called "experts" have been telling us that there's a "secret formula" that will pick winners automatically. I say, if that were true, they wouldn't be selling the system. They'd keep it and be millionaires.
Graded Greyhound Handicapping, on the other hand, while not an automatic system, does pick winners with a little effort and time spent learning it from the bettor. My theory is that anyone who isn't willing to put some time and effort into learning how to handicap the dogs, won't do very well.
Many people are still chasing the impossible dream. A greyhound handicapping system that takes no time or effort on their part. Instead, they'd make more money and cash more tickets, if they invested in a system that actually works with a little time and a little practice.
Greyhound Dog Racing.