Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
No, not those kind of connections; there's no godfather of greyhound racing, no matter what anyone tells you. I'm talking about the kind of connections that give you a lot more information than the track program. Access to information that 99% of the other people you're betting against don't know about and won't look for.
To them, it's too much trouble. Easier to buy a tip sheet, play your dog's birthday and complain when your "numbers" don't come in. When will people learn. You play numbers on your Powerball ticket. You play dogs at the greyhound track. In order to play the right dogs, you have to handicap with as much information as possible. Six races back isn't gonna make it for some races. Most races, if you're a serious handicapper.
But who wants to keep every program from every card or go over the online programs until your eyesight is blurry from trying to find what you're looking for. There's a better way and it all begins with a few links. The most important one, in my opinion, is Greyhound Data. They're the goods.
You can find out everything you'd ever want to know at this site - except whether the dog is going to win her next race, of course. Although, after you get done looking at the data here, you should certainly have a better idea if the dog can win. If the dog has raced anywhere in the world, you can see all of its statistics: where it raced, when it raced, who it raced against, who its sire and dam were and its litter mates.
You can search by dog, by track, by race. Want to find out the best times at Derby Lane between February 2008 and March 2008? You can go to "races" and search on those terms and many, many others. Want to see what a dog did at its former track? It's only a click away. So are Simple Race Statistics, Time Based Race Statistics and Advanced Race Statistics.
One word of caution. Don't get carried away and miss the first race. I've done that. I love researching. I also love keeping up with what's going on in the world of Greyhound Racing, but that isn't as easy to do as it used to be when there were magazines that followed the sport. In lieu of that, there's The Greyhound Daily News from the National Greyhound Association. It has news on stakes races and what's going on at the tracks.
The more you know, the more likely it is that you'll have the winning edge on the other bettors. I don't know how many times I've caught something in the database that made me realize something I didn't see on the program. Connections can make all the difference and these are just a click away. If you'd like these links and more, visit my site.
Greyhound Dog Racing.