Thursday, June 14, 2012

What You Dont Know About Greyhound Handicapping Systems Can Hurt You

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

What should you get with a greyhound handicapping system? Should you get a guarantee of how much money you make with it? Should they be a certain length? Is there a model for greyhound handicapping systems that you can compare them with?

The answer is that no greyhound handicapping system can guarantee anything but that it will help you learn how to handicap better. If anyone says they can MAKE you a winner, they're lying. They can only sell you a system that can show you what they know about handicapping.

Of course, the more you learn about handicapping, the more winners you'll pick, but no one can guarantee that. They don't know you or how well you can take in what they have to offer. They know what THEY know, but they can't know if they can give you that knowledge in a way that lets you learn it.

It's a lot like going to school. We send our kids, but we can't make them learn. The teacher offers the material and they either pay attention to it and learn it, or they ignore it and don't learn it.

It's the same way with greyhound handicapping systems. We research and write them. You buy them and either use them or read them once and throw them on a shelf. Some people actually pay good money for a system and then skim it once briefly before they throw it away.

Learning takes time. Any good systems seller will tell you that you have to do some of the work. Their system can't do it for you, but it can certainly give you the tools to pick more winners than you picked on your own.

Like anything else in life, winning at the dog track takes the right attitude, some work and some time. If you provide those, the system will provide the knowledge you need to pick winners at the greyhound races.

Greyhound Dog Racing.