Friday, June 22, 2012

Win at the Dog Track With This Free Spot Play System

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

If you ever want to start an argument at a dog track, mention spot plays. Half the crowd will tell you you're crazy if you believe in them and the other half will tell you they come in every time.

Well, both halves of the crowd are wrong. Spot plays DO exist. I know because I bet them every time I go to the track. Unfortunately, they DON'T come in every time, but they DO come in often enough so that I make money on them consistently.

What the heck are they, you say? Well, they're also called situational play and they're dogs that are very likely to come in, because of a certain set of circumstances that exist in the race they're running in.

One of the most common spot plays - and I'm giving something away here - is a dog who's moving from short races to long ones i.e. sprints to routes.

Now, many people think that the dog will fade at the end of the race, because it's been running shorter races. However, many, many times that dog will come in first within its first three races in routes, especially if it has early speed.

Do you have any idea how often I've bet on a dog like this and made money? Most of the bettors look at it and say, "No way is this dog gonna last 'til the end of the race." And they go on to find a good closer.

I find the closer too, but I put it with the dog who's switching from sprints and they're very often the quiniela. So, this spot play works and there are many more that I use to win at the dog track. There's even a system built around spot plays that I use to pick winners, quinielas and trifectas.

Greyhound Dog Racing.