Friday, June 8, 2012

The Fastest Greyhound Handicapping System That Works

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

Some of us have a lot of time to spend at the greyhound track. For a few of us, it's where we spend most of our time. But what if you don't have a lot of time to put into handicapping? What if you just want to have some fun and maybe make a little bit of profit on the dogs?

Well, there are several approaches you can take to do that, but here's my favorite. It's a method that works as well at any track and it can be learned and used very quickly. All you need is a program, a pen and about fifteen minutes.

For each race, circle the dog with the best time in its last race. Then circle the dog with the highest percentage of wins to races run. Next, circle the dog with the highest quiniela percentage compared to races it's run. (For both of those percentages, only use the races the dogs have run this season.)

Now, find the dog that has the greatest number of wins at the grade of the current race. Circle it. If one of the dogs has 4 circles, play that dog to win. Then, play it with the dog with the next most number of circles in a quiniela box.

That's it. It's quick. It's simple. It won't make you rich, but it almost certainly will pick a dog or two at almost any track on almost any program. I've used it when I've arrived late or gone to a track I'm not familiar with and have had a fun night without losing my shirt.

Friends tell me that they've actually hit a few good quinielas using this method and also some decent winners. Of course, this is just for fun. If you're serious about making money at the dog track, you really should invest in a real handicapping system.

To make money consistently, you need much more depth than this simple little method can deliver. But, every once in awhile, it's nice to bet with no pressure and just have a little fun with a little profit thrown in for good measure. If that's what you want next time you go to the track, take this little system with you.

Greyhound Dog Racing.