Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
When I first started going to the track, greyhound racing was in its glory days. They still paraded the dogs to the starting boxes with a post parade and even played march music when they did it. The bettors paid attention too, because there were no simulcasts, slots or poker rooms to distract them. Greyhound handicappers watched each race carefully, made notes on their programs and some of them even kept track of First to Turn Times.
Purely by accident, the area I chose to sit in up in the grandstand was where the kennel owners and dog handlers sat. They'd talk about their dogs and I'd listen and pick up tips that you just can't get without listening to insiders. I didn't do it on purpose, but it was a lucky break and has a lot to do with my attitude toward winning at the dog track.
What insider information did I learn? Well, I don't remember all of it. I've learned so much over the last 30 some-odd years that I'm not sure where it all came from. But here are a few insider tips that I picked up from the kennel owners and dog trainers.
Young dogs need more running room than older, seasoned dogs. So if you see a young dog with good early speed in the 8 box, give him a close look. If he can outbreak the other dogs, he has a good chance of running away with the race.
If there's a lot of early speed in a race, look for a dog who can close at the end of the race. Many times, the speedballs burn each other out and the closer gets in there at the end.
If a young dog wins within 3 races of starting in M, bet it in its first race in J or D, whichever the racing secretary puts it in, at least in quinielas.
Never bet a young dog in its first race in A or AA, whichever is the top grade at the track. No matter how good it looks, it has a very small chance of running in the money in its first race.
Big, male dogs often take longer to get into their stride, as puppies, than smaller females. They mature more slowly but may still turn out to be good dogs. Because they take so long to get out of M, they may be good bets when they start running closer to the winners. Keep an eye on them.
The best distance dogs are often small females, and they very often have long careers. If you look at route races, it's interesting how many times a female wins. Keep an eye on them, especially if they have a few shorter sprint races to "freshen them up".
I can't tell you how many times knowing these few things has helped me win at the dog track. They don't always work, but they work often enough to make them worth knowing. They're something to keep in mind when you're handicapping the dogs.
Greyhound Dog Racing.