Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
I hate losing, don't you? I don't know anyone who enjoys being wrong and that's what losing is in greyhound handicapping. You use every skill you have, you make your best picks and you bet them. If they win, you probably watch all the replays on the monitor, write the amounts of what you won on the program page and look at them again a few times when you get home. But what do you do if you lose?
I used to hate to look at the replays when I lost. Bad enough seeing my dog get picked off by another dog on the first turn once, never mind watching it twice or three times. And even though I knew I should look at the program again to see if I could see what I'd missed when I handicapped it, I'd put it off. Maybe the next morning, after a few cups of coffee and a donut or two to give me strength, I'd haul out the program and go over the race where I'd lost. Big mistake.
By the time I did that, the race was kind of hazy in my mind. After all, unless it was the last race, there were races after it and several hours afterward for me to forget some of what happened. Worse yet, since I'd probably handicapped the race for the first time a day ago, I no longer remembered why I picked what I picked, especially if I hadn't marked the program in great detail.
Do you ever look at your program and see something that looks like it might be something you'd written and wonder what the heck it is? I used to do that. In the heat of handicapping, I'd write a little note to myself in shorthand, figuring that I'd remember what it meant. Then I'd go back a few hours or days later and read, "2 D4 inside or out?" and it might as well have been in another language.
Now, I've learned that no matter how painful it is, I need to go over all the losing races as well as the winning ones. If I don't catch my mistakes right away, I'll just keep making the same ones. (Hey, if you're going to make mistakes, at least make different ones, I say. It keeps life from being boring.) So after every program, as soon as possible, I go over my program.
Ideally, I do it once right after the race ends and I've watched the replays on the monitor. That way, I can compare what I thought would happen to what actually happened and maybe figure out why it worked out that way. Then I make a note to myself in plain English, so that I can go over it again when I get home.
Going over your programs right away and making notes for future reference is one good way to increase your odds of winning at the dog track.
Greyhound Dog Racing.