Monday, March 26, 2012

A Greyhound Handicapping System Saves You Money

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

When you use a greyhound handicapping system to pick dogs at the greyhound track, you're limiting yourself. This might sound like a bad thing, but it's not. Betting without a system doesn't limit you to anything, and that's a bad thing at times.

For instance, if you go to the track and just pick dogs that you think look good, without a systematic plan, you're not giving yourself the best chance of winning. If you bet on a couple of dogs in each race or wheel a dog in exotic bets, you're liable to fail miserably.

The reason for this is because you're not eliminating the dogs that aren't worth betting on. A good handicapping method ranks the dogs by factors that count. This automatically gets rid of some of the dogs, which means you spend less per race.

No matter what the criteria is that your systems uses, any good method will help you narrow down your choices. Fewer choices mean fewer bets. Fewer bets mean less money spent on losing tickets. The best way to minimize your chances of losing and maximize your chances of winning is by making each bet count.

If you make fewer bets, but they're bets on dogs that have a better chance of winning, you've just upped your odds of making a profit by a lot. The bottom line is how much you walk out of the track with, compared to what you walked in with. A good system helps you walk out with more, but keeps you from betting more than you should.

Greyhound Dog Racing.