Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
There's an old saying, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." That may be true in some areas, but it shortchanges teachers, some of whom are very dedicated to teaching other people what they know.
Some people teach because they love to share their knowledge with other people. These are the people who get talking about their favorite subject and don't know when to stop, even when other people get that glazed look in their eyes.
For me, dog racing is an exciting, challenging, very interesting way to make money, while having a good time. I've never been big on working my fingers to the bone helping someone else get rich. I like working for myself and being my own boss. I also like greyhounds, so finding a money-making hobby was a no-brainer.
The problem was finding a reliable way to pick winners, quinielas and trifectas. The way I solved it was by learning the craft of greyhound handicapping over many years. This is how I came up with the two systems that have consistently made me money at the greyhound track for thirty years.
I know, without a doubt, that I wouldn't have made half the money if I hadn't developed a system early on in my handicapping. I don't see how anyone can go to the dog track and just pick winners without a system to guide them.
Unless they have an old pro to help them ferret out the inside information that good systems help you find, they're going to be just like the other 90% of bettors who lose on every program. Me, I'd rather be one of the 10% who win at the dog track. That's why I use a good greyhound handicapping system every time I go.
If you're young and intelligent and work for the dogmen, like I did when I started learning handicapping, you can probably figure out your own system over a few years. If you'd rather not do it yourself, the best thing to do is find a reasonably priced system, written by someone who has been handicapping for a long time. Use it on paper first until you're comfortable with it and then use it to make money at your local dog track.
Greyhound Dog Racing.