Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
It IS possible to come up with your own system for handicapping greyhounds. Several people have done it that you've heard of, and I'm sure several more that you haven't heard of have done it.
Of course, it takes time and some basic skills, but the facts and figures are all right in front of you in the program. Plus, you can watch the live races, watch the replays and even download them so that you can replay them and watch them again.
True, it takes a certain level of skill and probably some inborn talent that some of us have and some of us don't. After all, no one is good at everything. I'm good at handicapping dog races, but my kids know not to ask me to help them with Algebra, because I'm lousy at it.
These are the factors that matter when you're trying to write a greyhound handicapping system:
*First of all, becoming a good handicapper means having a very good memory. If you can't remember things from one minute to the next, forget about writing a handicapping system.
*Next, you need to understand dogs and how they interact with each other. We're not talking German Shepherds or Poodles here either. We're talking about how greyhounds interact as they chase the lure around the track.
*Third, you need to be able to read a program and compare the various factors that determine which dogs are contenders in each race. If you don't know which factors matter and which don't, forget about picking winners.
*Fourth, you have to have patience and be able to sit out races. You have to be willing to sit by yourself somewhere quiet, and go over old programs and results for hours at a time until you figure out where you went wrong and what to do to fix it.
*Fifth, you have to be a good money manager who takes care of the bills and other obligations before bankrolling any bets. And you have to be able to keep your credit cards in your wallet, no matter how tempted you are to use them for betting. That's a big mistake and a slippery slope no real greyhound handicapper would consider for a minute.
Be honest with yourself. Check to see if this sounds like you. If it does, start researching and writing. If it doesn't, consider investing in a system and use your talents for other things that you're good at.
Greyhound Dog Racing.