Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.
I admit it. I'm slow. But even I caught on to the secret of winning at the greyhound track. True, it was only because I overheard someone else say it, but still. When I heard it, I had the sense to stop and listen and think about it.
The secret? It's simple: Pick the best dog in the race and bet on it. Now, before you click away from this page in disgust, thinking that I'm playing games, read a little further. Notice that I didn't say, pick the two best dogs or the five best dogs or the dog that looks like it might win.
I said that you need to find the best dog and bet on it. So, what about all the articles where I tell you to eliminate at least half of the dogs until you get down to four or fewer likely contenders? Well, that's only the first step.
After you eliminate at least four dogs, you have to rank the other four dogs until you've found the dog that is better than the others. You want the dog that has something going for him that the other dogs don't have. Whether it's speed, class, post position or whatever, find something that makes a dog stand out from the rest.
Then, bet on it. And the trick to betting on it, is betting it the right way. Do you have another dog that you're sure is in the running for 2nd? Then bet your dog with it in a quiniela. Are you REALLY sure your dog will win? Then a tri key might be the way to go, if you have the bankroll for it.
There are really only two steps to winning at the dog track. Take both of them, one by one, and you'll go home a winner.
Greyhound Dog Racing.