Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Automatic Greyhound Handicapping System - Fact Or Fiction

Greyhound Dog Racing Tips.

I've been handicapping greyhounds for almost 4 decades now. One thing that bothers me about greyhound handicapping is how some system sellers take advantage of how gullible and desperate people are to make money at the dog track.

There are many greyhound handicapping systems available on the Net, with most of them selling for over $100. Some sell for much more - into the thousands of dollars. You'd have to cash a heck of a lot of tickets to get your money back from these "sure-things", that's for sure.

I'm a realist. I know that most people who go to the dog track lose money. From many years of watching people lose money, I know WHY they lose. I've seen it all from people who bet on names, numbers, whether the dog has its tail up, its ears up, or on a license plate that they saw on the way in.

None of this works, except by coincidence, and you can't depend on coincidence to favor you every time you go to the track. Then there are the people who grouse that nothing works, so why bother even trying to beat your bad luck? (I always wonder what people like this are doing betting on races at all, but that's between them and their shrinks, I guess.)

Let's be honest. What works at the track is what works in most areas of life. You get back what you put in. If you have at least average intelligence and you put in enough time and effort, you can learn to pick more winners than losers.

The reason 90% of the people who go to the track lose is because they want the result without the work. They figure they'll buy a system and pay someone big bucks to pick dogs for them. It doesn't work that way.

Even with a good system, you still have to do some basic handicapping, pay attention to your track's particular quirks and keep track of your results to make money. In other words, you still have to put in some time and effort to make a system pay off.

That's why I sell my systems for much less than others do. It's also why I don't promise that you'll get rich with them. Maybe, if you have a flair for handicapping and work hard it, you'll get rich. But it's much more likely that you'll get to where I am.

I'm not rich, but I make money consistently on handicapping greyhounds and seldom have a losing day unless I ignore my own advice and don't stick with a system. I know that there's no such thing as a sure thing. I don't get upset if I lose from time to time. It's part of the process of becoming a better handicapper. I enjoy posting tips and articles and selling systems that help other people enjoy my favorite sport.

Greyhound Dog Racing.